scientific publishing and the Internet (how Dissemination is Becoming borderless) ...
What should be an article to be published in a prestigious scientific journal? What criteria govern the originality of the ideas contained in the articles published? At what level must be novel or original ideas? These are some open questions that arise when facing the process of publication in scientific journals, in this case in the macro-area of \u200b\u200bsocial sciences. And they are especially applicants when they come on stage in a cross informative possibilities of the Web. The question is, is broken as published on the Web in the category of "original" applicable to a scientific paper?
The metaphor of the classroom can be a starting point for analyzing this phenomenon. Historically, "the academy" saw no problem in that teachers, scientists reported their ideas from research and professional practice among his disciples. In fact, that they bring new content into their teaching academics is determining the quality of teaching at elite institutions. For example, it is assumed that students who receive training directly from Jürgen Habermas in University of Frankfurt (Germany), are better able to access their theories (the old and the novel) that studying at the University of Oxford . The latter must wait to read the articles in prestigious scientific journals Habermas, where, then yes, you will have access to knowledge "original" of the teacher. Obviously, the originality of Habermas items will always be partial, since there is a small group of people, their lucky students and researchers working in their empirical work, they know first-hand the latest thinking of the author. The logic of the classroom can travel to scientific conferences, seminars and all kinds of scientific events where ideas flow back and forth waiting for someone to capture and packaged into very specific format: the scientific article. Very few have dared to question this principle and everyone seems to be comfortable with a scientific publication system is valid in the international community.
But now there are new elements of a strictly infrastructural leading to reconsider the prevailing model. What is new is "digital" package that allows grouping and knowledge in formats other than the conventional scientific paper, and facilitates its dissemination in equally diverse media, for example on the Web. The reflections on this phenomenon is multidimensional and many and various derivatives of analysis.
Here I dwell in a derivative's own field of representation in qualitative research. When someone goes to YouTube a result of research performance and qualitative analysis is delivering a keynote address to a global audience, is lecturing and participating in an exchange of ideas open to everyone. In essence, it is the same as a teacher in his class, a congressman with the capacity of the theater peer group discussion around a table on a scientific arguments common. From this perspective, there would be no objection to submit to a prestigious journal an article that re-interpreted and re-present the video-text-performance. But is this acceptable by the academy? We ...
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