the scientific impact of the web ...
The 'performance' scientific quality is a natural development field in the Web, where everything converges digital. This is a standard that meets not only in the case of performative science, but in general, can be applied to other areas of social scientific knowledge. Along with the issue of representation the scientific impact of the web is causing them to rethink some of the classic principles of the dissemination of knowledge and research in "the academy."
Traditionally, when an author has presented a scientific paper to a journal of impact did it basically for two reasons: (i) to improve your resume and boost your career, and (ii) to see their work recognized among his peers . Well, today, the impact only refers to the first level and is setting aside more and more the second. The first step for someone who wants recognition of his work is no longer going to magazines, but to find a projection on the Web. Somehow, keys viral promotion and based on closeness-distance networks in other areas like music or art, also replicated in the scientific world. It is no longer read scientific journals. Not that the quotes are not referenced in other articles about (this blog, for example, is full of references to journals and books). What is happening is that increasingly, the source of inspiration, validation and contrast is outside the realm of scientifically structured. Outside the academy continues to accept as valid at this time. The debates are nonexistent in the scientific journals, and even they are in scientific meetings where professionals come to pass on some ideas that have already been defined earlier. Like music and trends, impact, influence and scientific prestige positioning depend on the Web. Also in science, transfer of production models and transfer is taking to the Web. The open environment of cyberspace.
Perhaps the area where this phenomenon is stronger in social science is performative. Kip Jones just sent me a summary of the latest posts to their video creations on Google Video . The title of the e-mail is suggestive: 'Kipworld videos on the web break viewing 1.000 mark' (The Kipworld videos on the web exceed 1,000 views). This is the summary:
"Fall River" , 109 viewings, 2 downloads, "I Can Remember the Night" , 313 viewings, 7 downloads, "The One About Princess Margaret" , 155 viewings, 3 downloads ; "Thoroughly Post-Modern Mary" , 102 viewings, 8 downloads, BU PerformSocSci Masterclass, 52 viewings, 1 downloads; U Bournemouth Centre for Qualitative Research Conference in September 2006 , 164visionados, 3 downloads, Circles Within Circles -Swansea, 109 viewings, 3 downloads.
Overall: 1004 viewings and 27 downloads, in a time of 3 months.
These data would be unthinkable in a conventional journal. But, most importantly, can anyone think that these videos are not a source of inspiration for colleagues like no oto work in scientific journals and even in many of the best international conferences on qualitative methods? We