Workshop: Social Science in Search of STI Muse ...
Bournemouth University Centre for Qualitative Research Supported by
AHRC, Arts Council England , DTI and ESRC Through the "Nature of Creativity " scheme presents four workshops in Performative Social Science
Social Science in Search of its Muse: Exploratory Workshops in Arts-related Production and Dissemination of Social Science Data
The Workshop Series will afford opportunities for participants to engage in hands-on experiences of working with concepts and tools from the arts and humanities in producing and disseminating research to wider audiences and/or in expanding teaching and practice—facilitated by artists, poets, performers and filmmakers. A series of four workshops over nine months will aim to expand the means of production and dissemination available to us to in order to move our work to new and more creative levels.
Workshop 1: "Stimulating creativity"
November 24th 2006
Facilitators: Drs Fran Biley and Tris Westwood
Workshop 2: "Songs without Words"
January 15th 2007
Facilitators: Megan Long, Ted Mackney and Dr Kip Jones
Workshop 3: "Visual Ways of Knowing"
March 7th 2007
Facilitators: Drs Amanda Ravetz and Rosie Read
Workshop 4: "Rhythm and Blues: Turning to the body"
May 8th 2007
Facilitators: Profs Carol Picard and Dawn Freshwater
# Who should attend the workshops?
We are looking for participants from a wide range of backgrounds—from researchers, students and teachers to artists and performers. These might include post-grad students, researchers, and practitioners from both the arts and sciences and from a wide variety of disciplines, including social science, media, healthcare, social care, business, the arts and education. We are interested in cross-pollination, from discipline to discipline and forming new alliances across borders. Imagination is the only prerequisite.
# How much will it cost?
The workshops are free and transportation costs will be provided, supported by the funding institutions. Workshops will take place from 10 am to 3 pm at Bournemouth, and lunch will be provided. Spaces are limited and will fill up fast!
Please email for more details about the workshops and how to apply.